New Sails: Design & Construction

OneSails Mexico is your connection to the trend-setting and highly respected performance OneSails loft in Italy.

In 2020, Bahia de Banderas Sails decided to join the OneSails group, based in Italy. This decision was largely due to the technological advantages offered by OneSails.

Their proprietary 4T technology does not use film or glue, and results in sails of superior shape-holding and durability. We believe this will be a great advantage for our clients in the tropics. Along with great sail technology, OneSails has a great worldwide network of sails lofts, and we are quite pleased to add our loft to the list.

In addition to the advanced technology of 4T, OneSails utilizes other laminate constructions and traditional cross-cut or radial polyester sails when more appropriate for the intended use. Reachers, drifters, spinnakers (both asymetrical and symetrical), code zeros and cruising code sails can all be fit and delivered to your boat here in Banderas Bay.

World-Class Design Concepts